Thank you for considering Can-College to your further your study in Canada. Can-College is a Government-approved ISP and a Designated Learning Institution (DLI). (Please note, hyperlinks on this page will open in a new window.)
International students enrolled at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), a school approved by the provincial or territorial government to host international students for programs that are more than six months in length, are required to obtain a study permit.
Why Can-College?Since 2011, Can-College has been one of Canada’s leading career education provider for innovative, skill and career-focused education. We are located in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area), just 30+ minutes from downtown Toronto, Mississpton, and other main cities. Our students gain real-world knowledge and amplify their studies through in-class or online international standard curriculum, which is taught by instructors who have specialized knowledge.
Choosing Can-College for your career education means getting closer to where you want to be. Whether that involves working in your field or pursuing studies to bring up your credentials according to North American standards, a Can-College education will ensure your success.
Our knowledgeable administrative staff are always there to assist you at every step of the way, and without any obligation. Whether you are in Canada and considering switching your current program or career or overseas, we can deliver all pre-admission to post-admission information and services at your doorstep.Continue reading