Record: Founded as work advancement Administration by EO 7034, might 6, 1935

Record: Founded as work advancement Administration by EO 7034, might 6, 1935

Textual registers: Microfilmed project files, registers, and other documents, 1933-36, associated with FERA relief works in GA (50 rolls), LA (30 moves), MA (103 rolls), ND (30 goes), and OH (83 goes).

Information relating to recovery of old internet, 1937-38

Assumed principal character in efforts cure strategies. Operated through a main management in Washington, DC, local practices, county administrations, and section organizations. Renamed services jobs Administration and placed under FWA, 1939. view 69.1.

Textual data: Central communication data, 1935-44, like a „general subject“ series (309 ft.), and a „state“ show (870 ft.). Partial list, 1935-38. Fragmentary communication and memorandums, company of Commissioner, 1935-41. Unique and microfilmed records (92 moves) regarding allowance of resources („Presidential characters“), 1935-43. Microfilmed records concerning WPA liquidation, 1943 (1 roll). Final story states, 1943.

Discovering Aids: Francis T. Bourne, comp., „Preliminary Checklist of this Central communication Files associated with the jobs works Administration as well as its Predecessors, 1933-44,“ Computer 37 (1946).

Job manuals, 1935-43. Memorandums, telegrams, circular letters, duplicates of speeches, and minutes of FERA-WPA meetings, 1935-43.Continue reading