Through the TOP program, BFS may reduce your refund (overpayment) and offset it to pay:

Through the TOP program, BFS may reduce your refund (overpayment) and offset it to pay:

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The Department of Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS) issues IRS tax refunds and Congress authorizes BFS to conduct the Treasury Offset Program (TOP).

  • Past-due child support;
  • Federal agency non-tax debts;
  • State income tax obligations; or
  • Certain unemployment compensation debts owed to a state (generally, these are debts for (1) compensation paid due to fraud, or (2) contributions owing to a state fund that weren’t paid).

You can contact the agency with which you have a debt to determine if your debt was submitted for a tax refund offset. You may call BFS’s TOP call center at the number below Moline payday loans online for an agency address and phone number.Continue reading