If you don’t qualify for federal or national loan forgiveness programs, you s. You can do an internet search to see what loan repayment programs might be available in your specific state. Here are two examples:
Georgia Physician Loan Repayment
The Georgia Physician Loan Repayment Program is one of several programs offered by the Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce. This program offers $25,000 each year for an initial two-year contract to physicians practicing family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, OB/GYN, geriatrics, or psychiatry. To qualify, physicians must practice in a health professional shortage area in a rural Georgia community.
To learn more about physician loan repayment programs in Georgia or to apply, visit the Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce website.
Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment for Physicians
In exchange for a two-year service commitment to a health professional shortage area or medically underserved area, Maryland-licensed physicians may receive up to $50,000 per year toward their student loan debt. This program is available to physicians, physician assistants, and medical residents within their last year of residency.
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