Why do we bother pursuing an intimate relationship in which a large portion of it is spent away from one another, with no physical contact for however many days, weeks, months?
Brittany Maylyn Du Bois
I am in a long-distance relationship.
I know. Why the heck would I do such a thing? I’m young. Just in my twenties. In my “prime” (whatever that means). Why would I commit to something that could potentially hurt me or “hold me back.”
Let’s pause for a moment, and allow me to explain my situation.
Hi. My name is Brittany. I reside in the U.S., happily on the humid east coast. My partner lives on the other side of the ocean, in a completely different time zone and a completely different country: France. Our friends and colleagues are often taken aback when they find out that we’re long-distance, and we always get that same cursed question: why?Continue reading