The words „mother“ and „father“ will likely be taken from U.S. passport applications and replaced with sex terminology that is neutral.
Outside of the Beltway
Mom and Father Replaced by Parent 1 and Parent 2
Fox News heralds the passage of traditional language вЂMother,’ вЂFather’ Changing to вЂParent One,’ вЂParent Two’ on Passport Applications
The words “mother” and “father” will be taken off U.S. passport applications and replaced with sex basic terminology, hawaii Department says. “The terms within the form that is old вЂmother’ and вЂfather,’” said Brenda Sprague, deputy assistant Secretary of State for Passport Services. “They are now вЂparent one’ and вЂparent two.’”
A declaration in the State Department website noted “These improvements are now being made to provide a gender description that is neutral of child’s parents plus in recognition of families.” The statement did note if it n’t ended up being for youngster applications only.Continue reading→